Kushashwa Ravi Shrimali
Kushashwa Ravi Shrimali is a CSE Graduate (‘20) at IIIT NR, India (Gold Medalist, Transformational Leadership). He is currently working as a Backend Engineer at Abnormal Security. He is a lead contributor to Lightning Flash, and has contributed previously to PyTorch and OpenCV where he used C++ extensively for his contributions. He has also written several blogs on using PyTorch in C++ for deep learning.
He has previously worked as a Research Engineer at Lightning AI, Software Developer at Quansight (developing PyTorch full-time with Meta), SDE (PyTorch Dev Team) intern at NVIDIA (HQ Santa Clara, US), AI Engineer at CareAI, and R&D Intern (Deep Learning) at ROSE Labs (NTU Singapore).
He has actively used C++ for his work, ranging from enabling communication between backend devices via AWS IoT to writing his own File Manager library.