John Stratton

John Stratton

John Stratton John Stratton

John Stratton is the CTO of MulticoreWare and an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Whitman College. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2013, and has been affiliated with MulticoreWare since 2010. In his academic and professional work, he focuses on software that is both well designed and high-performing, which leads him to do much of his work in modern C++.

John’s career achievements include the design and development of MxPA, the first licensable implementation of the OpenCL, which became the basis of the OpenCL stack of many accelerator companies. He has continued to advance accelerated computing through publications on Halide and OpenCL compilers for digital signal processor platforms, and scientific computing applications for stochastic simulation and scientific image analysis. Today, he teaches courses on software performance optimization and computer simulation methods, with a heavy emphasis on maintaining good software design practices while pursuing efficiency.